You're on the Queen and Slave Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Queen and Slave Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Queen and Slave Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Queen and Slave. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Queen and Slave Episodes.
Download Queen and Slave Episodes

As a young girl, Yumi (Yoshimi Terada) watched her mother leave her father, and her father bring in other women. She grew to hate her father and all men. Time has passed, and now Yumi is a nurse. But that is only her day job. Being a queen is her true calling. What will happen when Hiroyuki Ando, a former patient of hers who fell madly in love with her, finds out that she’s not the gentle, caring person he thought he knew?
- Episodes: 1
- Type: TV
- Genres: Bondage, Bukkake, Domination, Uncensored
- Viewer:
Episode #Release Date
- Queen and Slave Episode 1 Subbed Jun 06, 2018